Operation Leaven

Operation Leaven
To preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, the conquering King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, to military members and to facilitate fellowship among them IOT advance the kingdom of God and embolden the resolve of believers who bear the responsibility of the lesser magistrate office.
Mission Statement:
To preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, the conquering King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, to military members and to facilitate fellowship among them IOT advance the kingdom of God and embolden the resolve of believers who bear the responsibility of the lesser magistrate office.
Operation Leaven seeks to endeavor upon the frontlines of the ever-present spiritual war in which we exist. This nation has been blessed, but blessing comes with much responsibility, which has been abdicated on a large scale. The Word of God is getting attacked from all angles because the Church has sat idly by for decades while secular influence has increased in America. The responsibility befalls Christians to respond with the truth. We must learn from the scriptures that it is not our duty to pray for escape of moral situations and abdicate responsibilities, but it is God who expects us to exercise Godly discipline and chastisement (Ex. Ch. 5). This call to good works for the Kingdom of God is because we desire to serve our Good King. It is our duty, not for salvation, but because of salvation.
“God’s particular grace has been manifested in the histories of many nations, as, for example, the United States. To assume that God’s particular grace means an abiding status and privilege is blasphemous, and an invitation to judgment.” – Rousas Rushdoony

The Vision
“The good soldier of Jesus Christ must not expect to find ease in this world: It is a battlefield. Neither must he reckon upon the friendship of this world; for that would be enmity against God. His occupation is war. The spotless purity of truth must always be at war with the blackness of heresy and lies.” Charles H. Spurgeon

The Vision
“The good soldier of Jesus Christ must not expect to find ease in this world: It is a battlefield. Neither must he reckon upon the friendship of this world; for that would be enmity against God. His occupation is war. The spotless purity of truth must always be at war with the blackness of heresy and lies.” Charles H. Spurgeon
“To what shall I compare the kingdom of God? It is like leaven that a woman took and hid in three measures of flour, until it was all leavened.” Luke 13:20-21
“A little leaven leavens the whole lump.” Gal 5:9
The verses concerning leaven in Luke do not tell us that the leaven is corrupted and will ultimately fail in its mission to leaven the whole lump of bread. Rather, Christ said that the leaven will leaven the whole lump, indicating fullness and completion. We are told that Christ is making all things new through his church who are made hyperconquerers by his Spirit (Isa. 43:19; Rom. 8:37). The true church is more than a mere group of people coming together to worship, but an “assembly of the firstborn” dedicated to bringing all things into captivity with Christ, who is the “firstborn of all creation” (Heb. 12:23 cf. Col 1:18).
Since the military is at the heart of every red-blooded American, especially the Special Forces, an element of our calling as the assembly of the firstborn should be discipling and evangelizing military members. The purpose of this is twofold:
- Christ’s sheep will come when they hear His voice because the power unto salvation is the Gospel (Rom. 1:16). So, let Him claim what is His.
- To provide support for those brothers and sisters who are in Christ (1 Thess. 5:14, Gal 6:2, Prov. 2:17, Rom 12:5, Rom 1:11-12, Eccl. 4:9-12). Those good soldiers of Jesus Christ, who are also soldiers for this nation need fellowship, instruction, and encouragement in the ways of the Lord (2 Tim 4:2, Titus 1:9). They are the ones who stand in the breach on both domestic and foreign soil. The goal is to be prepared the next time a fight comes upon them, both spiritually and legally. It’s not easy and they have suffered over the past several years, which is why civilian support is required. Knowing each battle in the near future will be tougher, it is our civilian duty to support the lower magistrate when engaged in interposition, and if possible, interpose as well (Judges 5:23, Psalm 94:16).
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Your generous donation goes to advance Christ’s Kingdom and defend Christian service members through Evangelism and Advocacy. Our team is comprised of former Navy SEALs and experienced Constitutional and military attorneys. We believe that Christ is Lord and the only solution to fix our military is the blood of Jesus Christ.