Asa served honorably as a Navy SEAL for six years, intending to do at least twenty years like his father did in the Marines. But that was before the Biden Pentagon’s vaccine mandate.
While he was deployed, Miller started hearing rumors that the COVID vaccine would soon be a requirement for him and the other SEALs. Soon enough, his superior officers were furious at him and his colleagues for resisting the mandate, forcing them into a corner and threatening them with serious penalties, including court martial.
But Miller and the other SEALs organized a meeting with the team that is now Stand With Warriors, which helped them plan their legal defense and bring their story to the public. As a result, Congress received enough public pressure to end the vaccine mandate for the entire military.
Brad had served as a Navy SEAL in a highly distinguished career that led to him overseeing the famous BUD/s program which tests and trains new Navy SEALs. But that all came to a halt with a politicized investigation coming from the Biden Pentagon.
Geary was presiding over the SEAL school when a young enlistee died immediately after Hell Week. Investigators and an autopsy found evidence that he died as a result of illegal performance enhancing drugs.
But the Navy brought several more investigations and inquiries into the death, prompting them to accuse Geary and other SEAL school leadership of negligence and dereliction of duty. They had made every effort to build a rigorous program that also had extensive physical screenings that kept enlistees safe, yet none of that mattered to the Navy bureaucrats.
Stand With Warriors raised tens of thousands for his legal defense, provided additional resources from our legal team, and raised public awareness about the case, contributing to the Pentagon dropping his case and allowing him to retire with full rank.
Mike served as an active-duty pilot in the Navy for over a decade before he moved on to work as a test and instructor pilot for the Navy Reserves. But when he took a stand for his Christian faith, he experienced lawfare and criminal charges that threatened to lock him up for years.
Cassidy famously took down the blasphemous Satanic altar placed in the Iowa State Capitol in 2023. Though he immediately turned himself into the police and submitted to misdemeanor charges, a progressive prosecutor backed by Soros accused him of committing a hate crime, leading him to face the prospect of spending five years in prison rather than some minor fines. He even faced sanctions from the Navy Reserves for acting on his convictions.
Stand With Warriors raised six figures to fund the formation of a robust legal team, assemble expert witnesses, and create media pressure that ultimately led to the dismissal of the hate crime charges and a deal that will expunge his misdemeanor offense. Cassidy was unanimously allowed to continue serving in the Navy by a board of inquiry which also dismissed claims that his Christian convictions made him an extremist.
Brandi is a nineteen-year veteran of the Air Force and flew in combat missions during operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom. But when she was a mere six months from retirement, she faced a sudden crackdown over her hesitancy to take the COVID vaccine.
King had followed orders to either take the shot, or submit a religious accommodation or medical exemption request. After following those orders by submitting both a religious accommodation and two medical exemptions, she was punitively reassigned to the Individual Ready Reserve, where she had no participation, no pay, and no ability to retire.
Stand With Warriors provided legal defense and went to work bringing her story to the public, communicating to the American people that even service members carefully following orders were having their careers ruined.
After several legal battles to reverse these attacks, Brandi was ultimately promoted to full-bird colonel by the Air Force Selection Board and confirmed by the Senate in 2023. King is now a Reservist at the 301st Fighter Wing at Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth, serving as the wing Inspector General.
We have dozens more stories like these.
We provided critical support to multiple federal cases that resulted in injunctions for service members. We later proved the COVID mandate was unlawful in a Board for a Naval officer.
A Navy commander faced discharge for offering his sailors the opportunity to take a Bible from his bookshelf. He used his personal funds to purchase the Bibles and there was no pressure or coercion for the sailors. A complaint was filed, and the Navy attempted to end his career. Thanks to our involvement, we were able to counter a flawed investigation and legal opinion that was drafted by Navy JAGs. The client was able to finish his career and retire.
An Air Force master sergeant was facing nonjudicial punishment pursuant to Article 15 because he challenged an unlawful order that would have forced him to violate his religious convictions. We demanded trial by court martial and the Air Force backed down and withdrew the nonjudicial punishment. This case established critical precedent and resulted in the withdrawal of nonjudicial punishment for multiple airmen.
An Army NCO was discharged with a negative service characterization as a result of unlawful orders that targeted his religious faith. We successfully assisted with his application for a discharge upgrade. He now has an honorable discharge and will be eligible to reenlist.
We are currently working with a group of Christians who were unlawfully fired by their employer, a defense contractor, after they submitted religious accommodation requests. This case is pending in federal court.
We successfully represented a pro-life activist in Pennsylvania who was falsely charged with a crime after his sign was violently taken from him. Based on our advocacy, all charges were dropped.
We have challenged radical gender ideology and required pronoun usage policies in federal government agencies. Our efforts with employees of the Department of Health and Human Services resulted in the delayed enforcement of the policy and protected our clients from being targeted or persecuted.
We have successfully represented an Army pharmacist who was falsely accused of discrimination for refusing to fill a prescription for dangerous hormone therapy drugs. Despite the fact that he followed policy and was polite and respectful, our client, a Defense Department civilian, was the target of a lengthy investigation. Our advocacy resulted in his full exoneration.
We successfully represented an Army officer who was facing the loss of his security clearance because he was labeled an extremist. In part, the evidence was that the church he attends displays the historic “An Appeal to Heaven” flag in their sanctuary. We were able to successfully argue that our client was being targeted because of his religious beliefs and his clearance was fully restored.